December 18, 2010

On a brighter note!

The end of the year is arriving and with that comes new year resolutions. I've got a few, First- I want to work on my relationships, friendship and gain new ones. I want to be a more personable person. Second- I want to get back to my High School weight. That's pretty common resolution but I feel that since I've gained weight, I've lost a big chunk of my personality and confidence. I want it back. Third- Speaking of confidence, a way that I feel I will gain some of that back is to be me and that's what I'm going to do. I am growing out my hair but not just growing it out. Ever since I was 10 I've had my hair relaxed therefore I'm not really sure what my natural hair looks like, so I'm going Natural! I've started the process already. The last time I relaxed my hair was August. I am now 4 months into it and I'm loving it. I've started another blog about it called Journey to be Natural. If anyone wants to follow it feel free. It's just something I'm doing for myself. I haven't posted too much on it yet but it will be constantly updated probably more than this one. At least I hope so. Forth and final- I want to work on me! Plain and simple, I want to be a better person and a better mom. I'll try to get my link to my other blog on here at sometime in the next week.

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