June 13, 2010


My dear darling daughter, I love that you want to help do the dishes. I love that you want to help take out the garbage. I love that you want to help clean up, even if that means your toys stay where you want them and not where they should be. I love that you want to help with the laundry, I love that you love to dance, I love that you love looking at yourself in the mirror,especially when you have a new hair style. I love that you want to help put the dishes away. I love that you like to hide everywhere. I love that you want to draw. I love that you want to dress/undress yourself. I love that your nice to everyone you meet.


....Your just a little too short to reach the sink without giving yourself a bath with dirty water
....I only have so many things that you can actually take to the garbage can
....I really can't clean up if they are all over the floor.
....I really only need a little bit of laundry detergent, not the whole box.
....I can only spin in circles for a limited amount of time before I get sick.
....That new hair style is only attainable when you actually sit still to get it
....It scares sometimes how you hold the glasses, please don't break any, at least not yet.
....Please try not to hide in a room with the door closed, especially when you go in those tight places I can't reach.
....The walls, tub, shower, you tummy and inside cupboards are not the most ideal places to draw.
....I really would like for you to let me know when your going to change your own diaper, especially when it's a bad one.
....We really need to work on that stranger awareness thing, just because they say Hi and tell you your beautiful doesn't mean, mommy and daddy are okay with you walking off with them.

BUT most of all, I love your personality, that a hug and kiss will always cheer you up, that you love to explore. I love you and I hope you never change! If you ever do, I hope it's only shows me how much more I love you.

1 comment:

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

Haha this made me laugh! What a fun kid it sounds like! I remember my sister once cut her own hair and then drew on the wall with crayons. It was glorious to watch. But I can imagine how frustrating it must be. Good luck!