August 8, 2012

Let's Try This Again

I'm Back!!! I think.... well i'm pretty sure i'm back at least i want to be back.
SOOOO here's what's up!

Hailey is now 4 going on 16. She is one spicy little girl with a kick. She wants to be a ballerina, a princess and super strong. Every day she tries to flex her little muscles and makes me feel how strong she's getting. I love it! She wants to be stronger than mom and dad!

Meya is now 9 months old! Time is flying way to fast, i need her to be my little newborn baby again. I can still remember the day we brought her home(actually i can still remember the day we brought Hailey home) she's just grown so much. She's trying to walk now and she's even saying mom, dad, baba, hi and i seriously thought i heard her try to say Hailey's name but it's probably just wishful thinking.

I really need to take more pictures, my girls are so much alike but so different. I can't wait for them to start playing with each other more. Right now it's more like Hailey walks and Meya follows behind in a crawl. If Meya cries it will drive Hailey crazy if someone doesn't go get her, she hates to see her baby sister cry.. It makes my heart so happy to know that they love each other so much already.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

So happy you're back to the blogging world!! Your girls are so adorable.